July 19th, 2010
Grace is the
gift that an open heart brings…
to the festival
Grace is the
gift that an open heart brings…
to the festival
And know, in our hearts, there is more…
It is confirmed in this very KNOWLEDGE of MORE itself…
Relieve yourself of what lies behind MORE, for we are moving (forward)
i love you because
you are capable of ecstasy
and so, you deserve it
Christ fell for a number of reasons…. most significantly being that he tripped on his robe.
No, but seriously… I am four years old and have never had an orgasm… And, to go along with these personal details, I seem to say “NO, but seriously…” Based on this, what is the full picture that you see of me?
It’s time to focus now more on the material, and not mySELF!! This is not about me, and what like… I think about the shitty things I am saying!!
Oops, this quickly digressed into a scenario where my “critical inner voice” has taken over… guess I better kill myself so that voice goes away… Oh, Jesus, now who was that line for?? Some superhero firefighter who knows emotional CPR and has the insight of Dr. Phil, had he been someone good like Carl Jung and been born around 56 BC? To this person: “Help! Help!”
I will attend to you
At the crest of your feeling
& within your most personal isolation
… & each step that you pointlessly take,
I will set down my foot beside yours
the old tree by the schoolhouse has leaves that bristle and clamor in a summer afternoon breeze.
reminds me of the children who have played in the yard below over the years
Listen, all ye tasty motherfuckers…
The demon rises, the angel descends… and what do they do upon impact, when they centrally converge upon Earth? Why, what all Earth-bound creatures do! They fuck. They create. They create a new being through their union.
A being born of light and dark both, whose role shall be to broaden the spectrum of consciousness. This new being we shall call “Ron.”
Ron’s work is to encompass the limits of human consciousness. He is to do so with his hands. God tells him that as far as he can span the reach of his hands, so far will the consciousness of mankind grow.
But Ron’s reach does not satisfy the needs of a growing world awareness.
So he calls upon his parents, and commands them each to cut off each of his hands. He bestows one upon his angel mother, who he dispatches back to her realm of heaven. He tells her to fly higher, higher with this hand, raising one end of the spectrum in which human consciousness may expand.
He takes the other, and gives it to his demon father, who he sends to hell. Deeper and deeper the father must descend, forging through rock with fire, and expanding consciousness in this direction.
The two parents keep at their mission, and never stop making progress on either end. So long as people are born, the collective shall have greater and greater space into which to expand their hearts, minds and souls.
Now then, collective: we set to work. Expand with purpose, unity and intent. A fuller world awaits us, only one moment away… and then another… and then another. We have only to enter these moments with assurance, knowing the promise that there will be room to grow. Sow the seeds, and we will be given bountiful growth.
And Ron? He uses his brain to monitor the progress of his far-away parents, as his hands transmit radio positioning signals back to him. And he feels with his heart, and he fucks his with his cock, for he is, after all, a creature like us; of this Earth.
Dispatch, most precious Angels!
A path of endless gateways aligns: proceed.
Dispatch, dear Angels, into the Valley below; and hold your precious souls with care as they carry light forth into this dark and thirsting world. Ah, radiant ones, to see your beauty from this vantage! The heart-breaking knowledge of your greatness: embrace!
The rising light of truth ascends above Earth’s horizon, assuring our souls to trust and emerge from darkness… come forth and create this new Earth…
Mission of illumination
Release all shadow and dark impression upon yourself… do not conceal… allow nothing to burden or impose upon you now… remove the uniform of cloth so that the heart may breathe anew, and grasp toward this new front.
Your light is ever-present… it is seen, and can no longer be hidden. You are revealed. Hasten your soul toward expression, for your essence is called forth in full. Coax your gentle soul with love, as the vulnerable child has been chosen to impart the news.
The time of hiding has passed. Advance, and the world of man shall part for the light of love to pass, a royal procession, and a sea of restoration flooding forth.
The call goes out to all angels, bound in body, awaiting release… to all those made of light, waiting to be seen… to all those whose glory has been suppressed, whose heart has not been received, whose light has been shrouded… all those who sense their calling is now imminent, be called. Raise your divine voice.
Dispatch, dear angels- your wings are formed, and at your command. Dispatch, dear angels, the limits of your body cannot contain your outpouring light. Dispatch, dear angels, be brave…
The winds now change direction through heaven’s gate. No longer shall the Kingdom wait, bound on high. Human eyes raise their sights toward the sky, awaiting the dispatch of light on Earth.
Radiant neon vessels collect and descend through the clouds, winged monarchs of humming vibratory information.
Liberating ripples of transforming heat bellow upon a shattered Earth. Helix sound waves coil downward and surround each human heart with new vibration. Living torches, conducting passion, hover above the crowd. Reverberating, flashing light pours through the collective mind like a unifying pulse.
Pause to listen… the echo of this call is recognized within. Only the vibratory hum of truth, which radiates downward, through the heavens, through the heart: evacuation instructions broadcast over stadium Earth, transmitted from the other side.
Dispatch, dear angels, knowing my heart is yours.
When a gardener trains a bonsai tree or other plant, they first determine the way in which they want the plant to grow. They train the branches accordingly, and then must be patient, waiting for the plant to grow into place at it’s own organic rate. Think also of the gardener who landscapes his garden perfectly toward his vision, yet must wait for the seeds of flowers to fill it in and make it real.
The same is true with our spirit. Our spirit is constantly expanding and growing in time. When we send out a prayer, we are programming directions for the continuing growth of our heart and soul. Our unconscious mind gets to work while we live out our daily lives. It looks for clues, hints and insights that we may not see; it helps to guide us into situations that may aid the process; and, it pushes through blocks within us in order to manifest our wishes for growth. The results will not be immediate, or exactly how we anticipate, but surely we will be liberating ourselves toward that which we desire. The soul reaches; it seeks, and we may train these branches in a direction of our choosing, letting the soul, then, work it’s magic in creating our futures.
Prayers that ask for insight, understanding, access, consciousness expansion, spiritual enlightenment, creative potential and personal enhancement are all of the highest order, as the keys to these doors are held within. If truly “The Kingdom” as we have come to perceive it is within our reaches, just beyond our own blocking perceptions, then prayer is a useful tool for finding it. Our creativity comes into play in the way that we ask for it, phrase it, and perceive it. We should have no reservations in asking for the deepest of spiritual transformations, the brightest infusion of light, and the fullest manifestations of our spirits here on Earth. Envision… the next step awaits, within your heart’s imagination.
May you reap everything that you sow, and may all your prayers be answered.
How much of our love is lost by trying to make sure it is properly “received” by another?
Love is a precious thing. It is the true, unprotected soul essence of who we are at our core. It is the divine, pouring through us as expression.
And yet, our instincts want us to direct this love at others, and then to have them know it- see it- feel it. We seek for others to know how much we love them. We want to share the feelings we have, not so much for our own sake, but for the other to “feel” loved, to know it, and to see our great capacity to love them.
However, the world around us may not be full of such openly loving creatures as we seem to be when we are in the throes of passion and caring.
When we love unconditionally, we are looking at our experience from a higher, more expansive level, one that discards all of the limits upon the heart. It does not include the demands of pain, anger, fear and that we often insist upon in relating to others. We may be willing to set aside limiting factors in order to celebrate and revel in unconditional love… But that does not mean that our partners (or the world if we are choosing to send our love to the planet at large) is prepared to let go of the same limitations. It is all too easy to place demands upon the heart, upon each other and our relationships. Others may even be capable of letting go, but the timing may not be right for when we approach them with our own open hearts.
As a result, we try to box our unlimited love potential into smaller cases so that it can be properly received by their “shipping department.” In the process, however, we are placing limits on our love, defining it, and shrouding an emotional energy that can only be described as light.
If we can love openly, without asking that our love be “received” or “reflected” back to us by those with whom we seek to share it, we begin to take off the containing limits on our own experience of this emotion. Truly, our capacity to love is a gift that we bestow upon ourselves. An open, unconditional heart is a blessing to our health in every way. Once we decide to love this way for ourselves, we may then take the necessary precautions to protect this gentle creature; our heart; from harm, not by placing limits, but by guarding it, moment by moment, with care. We can acknowledge the feelings of anger or pain, but they do not intrude upon the expansive essence of our ever-present love. These feelings serve as guardians, not captors, of our love.
Not only will living with an open heart attract those who can best respond to it, but it will allow us to see clearly what and who we desire at core. The possibilities to which we can liberate our love are limitless, bound only by our imaginations. A new world of expansion awaits us, in which no limitation shall contain our light, and nothing can hurt our open hearts. Love fully, bearing the loss, pain and fear that rests within, and the heart shall be home.