The Gospel

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Christ felll…. motherfuckerzzzzzzz!!

Christ fell for a number of reasons…. most significantly being that he tripped on his robe.

No, but seriously…  I am four years old and have never had an orgasm…  And, to go along with these personal details, I seem to say “NO, but seriously…”  Based on this, what is the full picture that you see of me?

It’s time to focus now more on the material, and not mySELF!!  This is not about me, and what like… I think about the shitty things I am saying!!

Oops, this quickly digressed into a scenario where my “critical inner voice” has taken over… guess I better kill myself so that voice goes away…  Oh, Jesus, now who was that line for??  Some superhero firefighter who knows emotional CPR and has the insight of Dr. Phil, had he been someone good like Carl Jung and been born around 56 BC?  To this person: “Help!  Help!”

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