The Gospel

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Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

I join you

Friday, August 7th, 2009

I will attend to you

At the crest of your feeling

& within your most personal isolation

… & each step that you pointlessly take,

I will set down my foot beside yours

I feel you

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

Lost souls in the field

Without body, without form

I feel you

As day passes into night

And becomes day again

O, inspiration

Friday, March 27th, 2009

How you, elusive female, dance within this home I have created!

I will watch you dance, and together, we shall have a home.

The man in the garden wall

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

Fresh; his emergence into skin

A new branch, he

And a body not yet felt, not owned

And he spoke with the fever of emerging life-

And called that voice his own.

But the garden’s wall was under season’s rule

And he was prisoner to the gateway he had chosen…

“I watched the terror on his face,

“As his body was consumed,

“In a landscape of brown shadows,”

That then turned to black.  I watched him die, and fade

Lunar, the Day

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

(regarding Mon, Feb 9th, full moon in Leo w/ lunar eclipse)

Full moon early haze Monday
Capsule daylight high pitch break neck sky
Best friend street time direct ray absolute

On Earth, living on the Moon


Friday, February 6th, 2009

How cruel the nightmare!
How cruel it’s punishment!

Lashes of thunder
& whipcrack;
a symphony of infliction.